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Astronomical Clock
Astronomical Clock

Your Cosmic Trail Guide Presents...

2025 Herbal Astrology Guide

With this guide, you'll be able to identify opportune moments for growth and rest and develop a strategy for self-care based on the changing astrological climate of each month in 2025. Understand how the astrology  of this coming year will impact you personally with language that is tangible and applicable for your daily life. So much becomes possible when we plug into astrological influences to center our intentions and energy.​​

What You'll Get...

  • Immediate access to download a 32-page guide that includes:

    • An overview of the astrology of 2025 in language that is easy to understand and apply in your day-to-day life;​

    • Herbal and self-care suggestions tailored to the astrological weather of each month;

    • Advantageous dates in 2025 with particularly supportive and enjoyable astrological energy;

    • Periods in 2025 to watch out for where the astrology can be more difficult;

    • Suggestions for how to personalize this guide based on your own birth chart;

    • Access to a Q + A form so that you can easily contact me for additional help to understand how the astrology of the coming year will impact your day-to-day life;

    • BONUS cheat sheet with astrology glyphs and house topics.

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Do you ever feel like...

  • You want to use astrology more in your day-to-day life to have better awareness of when are opportune times for growth and rest?

  • You'd love support in personalizing and adapting your self-care routine in alignment with shifting astrological weather?

  • You'd like a more grounded approach to understand how astrological changes are impacting you personally?

  • You want herbal guidance that you can integrate into a busy schedule?

  • You love learning about astrology but it can feel complex and impersonal with lots of confusing jargon and vague descriptions?


  • Before I started working with astrology and herbalism, I would get so frustrated trying to swim upstream when I wasn't clear on where the energetic currents were most concentrated in my life. 

  • I wouldn't know how to identify:

    • When were better times to prioritize my health;

    • How to make time for self-care in my busy schedule;

    • When I would have more support to invest energy in relationships;

    • Which self-care practices would be most beneficial for me;

    • When I should prioritize self-growth or;

    • When it would be easier to mov​e forward in my career.

  • I would get so overwhelmed trying to apply astrological and herbal information to my personal daily life and it all felt so abstract!


Hi! I'm Alicia Cielle and I'm an herbal astrologer who facilitates grounded understandings of Earth's cycles. Using herbal astrology in my daily life has helped me cultivate so much resonance.

Before I started working with herbal astrology, I would get so frustrated trying to swim upstream when I wasn't clear on where the energetic currents were most concentrated in my life. I'd apply for job promotions when there was more support for relationships in my life and I'd try to grow when it would have been better to rest. Self-care felt overwhelming to integrate into my schedule and I wasn't clear on how to best tend to my body amidst the changing astrological weather.

Now I work with simple and grounded astrological and herbal techniques to easily identify where there is momentum and support in my life and pinpoint potential difficulties that could arise.
My life has so much more flow and I'm able to make more sense out of hardships that I experience. In this guide, I'll help you identify moments of support and difficulty in the coming year and determine simple and easy self-care techniques to help you feel more energized and empowered in 2025.

This guide is for you if...

  • You want to know the astrological weather of 2025 without having to spend a bunch of time and energy;

  • You're looking for herbal lifestyle support to make the most of the coming year; 

  • You're an astrologer of any level who wants to easily identify the most opportune times for growth and rest in 2025;

  • You’re newer to astrology and want astrology forecasts that are easy to understand and apply to your personal life;

  • You're a modern astrologer who wants to learn a simple Hellenistic astrological technique to analyze how next year's astrology will tangibly impact you;

  • You want to experience 2025 with more empowerment, flow and ease;

  • You’re looking for context and awareness for what to expect in the year ahead for your personal rhythms and cycles.



  • What is herbal astrology?

    • Herbal astrology is an approach that helps you cultivate more alignment and harmony in your daily life. Working with astrology allows you to identify the energetic currents that impact us all on a collective scale and in our personal lives. My approach to astrology is designed to help you easily and clearly identify how the astrological weather of 2025 will feel for you personally. The herbal component of this guide includes lifestyle practices and suggested herbs that are curated based on the astrology of each month. I offer ways to support your nervous system when things may feel hectic as well as lifestyle practices that can help you take advantage of supportive astrological energy. All of the herbal and astrological insights in this guide are designed to be easy to understand and integrate into your busy schedule.

  • How do I use this guide?

    • This guide is broken down by month so that you can easily digest the insights as the year progresses. Binge the guide all at once or take 10 minutes each month to read over that specific section. This guide includes dates that are more supportive and more difficult for each month, so it can be helpful to work through the guide with a calendar to plan out when you might want to work on your goals or prioritize rest. Each month also includes a list of herbal and lifestyle suggestions - I recommend trying one or two out each month and seeing what feels best for your body.

  • What do I get with my purchase?

    • Immediate access to download the 32-page 2025 Herbal Astrology Guide with an overview of the key astrological movements of 2025. The guide also includes herbal suggestions to help you make the most out of the coming year. You also get access to a Q + A form so that you can easily contact me to get answers to any questions that may arise. â€‹

  • What if I am a beginner to astrology?

    • Welcome! This guide is designed to be easy to understand for astrologers of any level. This guide is written in everyday language to explain astrology so you don’t get confused by fancy jargon or astrological keywords. When I do share astrological data, I explain how all it will feel in ways that everyone can understand regardless of their astrological background. This guide will give you clarity and confidence to start using astrological and herbal techniques in your daily life with flow and ease.​

  • How is this guide personalized?​​

    • At the beginning of this guide, I give an overview of the ancient Hellenistic technique of house rulership to help you identify which areas of your life are impacted by the astrological movements of 2025. While we will all experience the same transits in the coming year, the astro weather will impact us all individually. You can also reach out to me via the Q and A form for additional guidance and support in personalizing this guide for your everyday life.

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